Monday, July 23, 2018

More Summer Fun

Da Boyz and Da Dads on an early morning Saturday bike ride.  Good for boys.  Good for dads.
They rode ever so slightly farther than the moms and dads rode a few weeks back.  Good for them.  I'm really happy for them. 

  My Jolley Foxes.

Cannon is a  most remarkable little lad.  Maybe it is being 5th in the line up of large family... but he went to Webelos day camp this past week and pretty much completely got himself ready by himself... including his lunch packed and his swim stuff and his spending money. He woke me up in the morning and told me it was time to go.  For the record I would have gotten up in time--- and was a very eager beaver, but still!  He's 10 for crying out loud.  I think he has an old soul.
The neighborhood parade.  Good times.  Cannon took his color guard job very seriously.  Does he take his Cub Scout career more seriously than his parents do???      No comment.
The front of the pack of the parade got away from him.  He was too fast for the second grouping.  He went at it alone.  He's a loner, Dottie.  A Rebel.  There's things about Pete you wouldn't understand.  Things you couldn't understand.  Things you shouldn't understand.

My apologies... we recently watched Pee-Wee's Big Adventure. Which I don't care how old I get.  It's still funny.
I unexpectedly ran into my sweet nieces in line at a grocery store last week!  What a surprise!  I was purchasing tissues and ice cream for my dear friend whose daughter left on a mission.  Before Clark left I had no idea that such a happy thing would call for such reinforcements.  I know better now.
 Faith has been a life-saver to me this summer.  Faith, thy name is "helpful".  Seriously, she is willing and cheerful and happy to be home with me.  I realize this won't last.  She is twelve and she'll get older and get busier and be gone more and I'll miss her.  But let it be known, I appreciate the heck out of her!
She and I went on a hike recently.  It was a lovely hike-- except for the huge cows along the trail.  It was super freaky to us.  They were tagged, so they belonged to someone.  I don't know who gave this person permission to let their cows graze in Rosecrest Canyon... but we did not appreciate it. 
One of the offending bovines.
Sunday night game night.  It feels like something of a risk to expose our loud and obnoxious "game night" behavior to new friends, but we had a great time and with any luck, we'll still be friends:)
Charming children.
Charming, indeed.

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