Monday, July 2, 2018

Backyard Campout 2018

We had plans to go camping last weekend.  Actual camping.  As in, we leave the comforts of home, drive some distance away, and go sleep out in nature. 
Fortunately We've had a bit of sickness passing through the family-- nothing to major, but enough to kibosh the planned campout.  We decided not to do real camping, but instead to revisit our much beloved tradition of BACKYARD CAMPING. 
And I LOVE backyard camping.  I've discussed the reasons in previous posts and won't rehash it now, but the top two reasons-- safety and ease.  There you have it.  I'm a lazy scardy cat.
Our friend Jake joined us for a bit.
Trampoline sleeping bag wrestling.  See?  Safety first!
Listening to kids tell "scary" stories around a campfire is hilarious.  Especially when a younger kids tries to retell a story they've heard and older sibling tell.  My favorite is Peter completely cracking up over the phrase "Bloody Fingers!"
The kids slept great and Abe and I pulled the boy's mattresses out to the tent... so we slept great too!
Long live backyard camping!

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