Friday, August 24, 2018

Back to School 2018-2019

We started school on Monday and it is glorious!  I get that our "back to school" pictures don't really look like most families'.  But make no mistake, I am at least as happy as any other mom at back-to-school time.  Just like a public school family, we crave the schedule, the routine, the productivity, the purpose and the active use of brain power.  Everyone has been so happy and contented this week.
Tuesday morning Elinor and I left at 4:45 for water polo practice.  She was giddy with excitement to be starting polo back up for a shorter fall season.  We thought she was only going to be able to do 5 AM workouts on Tuesdays and Thursdays for water polo.  After further inquiry this week, we just found out she can do 5 AM swim workouts on MWF as well.  She was jumping for joy and squealing with delight when she got that news.  I am not being sarcastic-- she really was super happy.
What a weirdo!  I always knew homeschoolers were weird.
Weird, and super adorable and hardworking-- forgive the bragging, but it's my blog and I'll brag if I want to.  In addition to all her school work-- which is not small load, she works at Papa Murphy's and maintains her social life and we're just pretty darn proud of her.
 And she's just a lot of fun.  Yesterday she decided to take up the art of knife throwing in the backyard.  Why not? 
Cannon hit it hard back at ballet this week.  To quote him after his second day of class this week, "I JUST LOVE TO DANCE!"  He's in his happy place.  We are so grateful he is on a full tuition scholarship at Ballet West this year!  We really cannot complain about the driving when he have an opportunity like that. He has Nutcracker auditions coming up this Saturday, and then the driving gets serious.  Then I may have to complain a little😉
 And the boy does love to dance.  We had quite a downpour the other day,  and for Cannon, the rain was practically begging to be danced in. 
And in much the same vein as Elinor's knife throwing attempts, Cannon spent some time creating a Zendaya/Zac Efron (Greatest Showman) aerobatics pipe cleaner sculpture.  To quote a favorite family quote by Jim Gaffigan, "...because we like to use our time wisely."
Faith requested this hilarious "back-to-school" picture wearing these fox socks-- a little back to school gift from her best chum.
Mostly Faith is happy to be back to school because now her friend won't be traveling and camping as much and they will hopefully get to see each other more often.
Faith's fall activities will be her usual tumbling and a short cross country season.  She is happy to slowly be adding more of her two handed gymnastics tricks back into her workout now that she has her splint off.
I was impressed with her DNA double helix construct.
She's now a 7th grader-- not exactly middle school, since she is at home, but definitely not a little kid anymore.  Sigh.
George is 2nd grade.  The big thing coming up for George is his baptism-- September 1st!  We're all pretty excited for him.  Also, he will be starting his dance classes at Wasatch Arts Center next week.  He is going to join Cannon in Nutcracker auditions this Saturday.  He will be at the youngest age limit to audition, but we figured, if we're going to drive downtown that much, we may as well take two boys!  And, not surprisingly, they do need boys to audition!
Bethany is a senior. When the little ones are little and people tell you to enjoy them because it goes by so fast--- THIS IS WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT!  Wow.  I am super happy about her, but not so much about the growing up so fast.  Here come college applications and plans for the next stage of life.  Deep breath.  We can do this.
Earlier this week she was asked to homecoming in the most out-of-this-world adorable way-- a clever, super thoughtful scavenger hunt, by someone who knows her very well.
Connor did well.  Really well.
Bethany and Elinor head over to the high school for the last period of each day.  On A days Elinor has the swim team class and Bethany does peer tutoring.  Then on B day they go for seminary.  
And who the heck is this kid??  He has been doing so well for the past couple of months.  He is communicating without screaming and giving loves to us all.  He's not just improved... it's like a whole new child.  I'm not sure what's made the difference, but I appreciate the calmer, more peaceful way of life like you wouldn't believe. 
He spends a lot of his time in the Lego pile.
It's hard to believe she is real.  She plays with toys all day.  She snuggles everyone.  All the girls like to be the one to get to do her hair each day. 
She likes to color and play with her puzzles and her button art.  Can I get five more just like her!!
In every way, it was a VERY GOOD start to the school year.  Good to be back!

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