Thursday, August 16, 2018

Peter's Fourth Birthday

Peter turned FOUR last week.  I would say, "What?  He can't already be four?  My goodness that went fast!".  But I will not say any such things.  Rather, I say, "What?  He's only four?  Surely he's been here longer than that! "  
As has already been discussed many times, Peter is a force to be reckoned with and has had such an impact on our family.  The old saying, "The squeaky wheel gets the grease" is more true than every with Pete. The boy said he wanted a "Snake Birthday".    So I made THIS.
Hours and hours.  It's made from Rice Krispies and covered in Reeses Pieces.  Which, for your information, have many more oranges and yellows than browns in each bag.  Just so you know.
I am ridiculously proud of it, I'll tell you that!
By the time we ate the day after we made it, the rice krispies were stale and it wasn't actually that tasty.  No matter.  It was a thing of beauty.  Faith was my main assistant in the kitchen.  She was a very patient girl.
What does one do at a "Snake Birthday?"  All of my creative energy went towards the snake cake.  So I was left with throwing plastic snakes into pots.  
I know... not my most impressive party game.
Abe used green table cloths to create a giant green snake that snaked around the family room for a "pin the tongue on the snake" game. 
Making snakes out of play dough-- always a winner.
As you may be able to tell from these pictures, these three little guys are all... shall we say... full of personality!  They are absolute adorable but also a good reminder of why I don't do four year old birthday parties.
But then we're back to the squeaky wheel factor and I am reminded that with Peter, I will probably end up doing a lot of things that are necessarily my first choice.  These powerful souls are very persuasive.
And we are so glad he is here, just as he is.  He's what we call a "power player".  There are challenges with such a strong will, but the rewards of such a personality are even more plentiful.
Happiest birthday to you, Peter.  We love you so much!  This is going to be fun!

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