Saturday, August 11, 2018

Family Picture Day

Tiffany and me.  We may have been referred to as "The Generals".  We may or may not have been offended.  It may or not have been true anyway.
Either way, we've both born nine babies and I say we're looking pretty darn good, thank you very much!
My favorite pic of the reunion.
He wore the shirt for the big family picture, but he was not a fan.  He ran upstairs and took the shirt off as soon as the picture was done.  In this picture he's trying to put on a happy face, but the tears are there.
Elinor and Alison
Julia, Talitha, Kyli, and Bethany.
James, Sophie, George, and Peter.
William and Cannon
Meeting of the Sister-in-laws.
Poor Grandma had a fall early on in the week and it really slowed her up during the reunion.  Here she is being taken back to the refuge of her bedroom after the family picture.
The Grandchildren and great-grandchildren-- minus7 (Lani, Emmalyn, Megan, Caitlyn, Lindsay, Lauryn, Clark)
Safety precautions won out and the golf cart had minimal use for much of the reunion, but it was fun while it lasted.

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