Sunday, July 10, 2022

Fourth of July at Stratford Ranch


As soon as church was done on Sunday the 3rd, we high-tailed it up to Stratford Ranch to enjoy the rest of the extended holiday weekend.  Faith and I discovered we were twinning for church.

On the drive up Greta lost not one, but TWO teeth!  These were her first lost teeth and they really needed to come out because her two permanent bottom teeth had already grown in behind her baby teeth.  She had shark teeth with two rows of teeth.  
The tooth fairy really delivered with TEN BUCKS!!!  WHAT??? Inflation-- am I right?  I suppose the tooth fairy being caught out in the country without proper warning and preparation time contributed to Greta's good fortune.  
So much love for Stratford Ranch.  It's so calm and peaceful.  Going there feels like such a break from the world and we are so grateful James and Andrea welcome us to enjoy their little haven with them. 

The younger kids love to work on projects with James.  He is so kind and patient with them.
I love this picture of these two.  
I enjoyed the most delicious outdoor nap in the shade of a beautiful, huge, old tree.  Glorious!  Also, I get such a kick out of Greta's posing for pictures.  So consistent.
We loved playing a new game that Nathan and Korryn introduced us to-- Fiasco.  It's a storytelling, role-playing type of game, which isn't usually my jam, but I must admit, it was so much fun and we laughed so hard.  I'm really wanting to play again.
There are always several hummingbirds  
The boys especially love riding in the side-by-sides.

The road was really dusty this year.  Anyone who rode came back covered in dust.

Monday morning we started out with the Hyrum City 4th of July Chuckwagon breakfast and parade.  They did not disappoint!  Andrea has some extended family we met up with and bummed some shade along the parade route from.  They were very gracious to let our whole gang crash their party.
Riverton isn't a very large city, but it's definitely bigger than Hyrum.  I think both sizes are great, and it was really great getting to experience a small-town's celebration.
Going hiking is always one of my favorite parts of a visit to Stratford.  In this group selfie, we are talking to Bethany on her P-day.
We wanted to hike to the top of an adjacent hill.  Well I think "hill" makes it sound too small and "mountain" makes it sound too big.  Think more towards hill, with a touch of mountain.  Okay, moving on. There was no trail up said hillish-mountain.  So Clark introduced Greta to the concept of bushwacking. 
Abe and me with our oldest and youngest children.  They still have a sweet and special bond with each other.
Greta wasn't really dressed for bushwacking, so she would occasionally get scratched.  But then she'd immediately declare, "It's okay, because I'm a tough girl!"
Yes, you are, Greta.
The view.  The roof of the ranch house is the little white rectangle in the center of the picture.
Clark and I have had some really good times hiking together.  He's always been happiest in the great outdoors, and this picture just makes me want to schedule another hike with him and get back out there.
Greta loved the beautiful wildflowers.
I call this picture, "Little House on the Prairie Opening Credits".  You see it, yes?

Abe and the kids left Stratford Monday evening, but Andrea and I stayed on for another night so we could head out early Tuesday morning for our next little adventure sans husbands and kids.   

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