Sunday, July 17, 2022

Happy 6th Birthday, Greta!

Greta celebrated her 6th birthday on Saturday with a pool party.  Summer birthdays are pretty great for turning kids loose to play outside.

Future backstroker?
Snack time
It was a cool idea, but I don't think it worked very well.
Such good belly flop form from Peter.  Look at those beautiful ballet toes!!!
Greta and her cousin, Jules.  I adore them together.
Greta's love for all things "CATS" has not dimmed.  She doesn't meow as often as she did when she was younger.  For example, she rarely meows along with the hymns at church these days.  Sadness.  But in moments of strong emotion, she'll still meow.  
For example, her extreme joy in receiving this Fur Real walking cat toy.  She screamed "MEOW!!!!" in her exuberance!
From her cousin Grace, a whole bag of cat-themed treasures!
Arts and crafts are her other favorite thing-- Ethan and Andy nailed it!

Pinata time!

I hope to attack life the way Aly is attacking this pinata.

Elinor and Brandon gave Greta this headband kit and it was a serious hit!
She's been busy painting suncatchers.
We took her to Walmart to pick out a birthday present.  We also stocked up on school supplies that are on sale right now.  She doesn't know which are her for her birthday and which we were going to buy anyway.  In her mind, she thinks she got A LOT of presents:)  Its a win/win.
I got a chuckle this week when Greta called these her "leprosy pens".  I guess when you're having a Bible study year, you have leprosy on the mind.
Happy, happy birthday our dear little Greta Kitty Fox!

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